Mold Detection Southern California


The Safe Way to Deal with Flooding

While you might not live in a location prone to flooding, it is essential to know what to do if flooding does occur.

A flooded home can be the result of internal issues, such as plumbing failures or external events like weather-related flooding. Regardless of the source of the water, it’s crucial to take action to protect your loved ones, prevent health hazards, and save your home from further damage.

What to Do If My House Floods?

When it comes to water damage, even minor issues should be addressed. Mold, which grows where there is moisture, can have a significant impact on indoor air quality and can cause serious health problems. Visible mold growth can be seen in as little as 24 hours. It’s critical to be proactive and work on drying out your home within the first 48 hours after water damage first occurs.

Internal Flooding

Immediately following a flooding event, take these actions first.

  1. Stop the Flow of Water - If the flooding is internal, then you want to stop it as soon as possible. The quickest way to do this is to locate and turn off the main water valve.

  2. Turn Off the Electricity - Once the water flow has been stopped, evaluate the situation, and if there is standing water at the level that may reach any electrical systems or appliances, turn off the electricity in your home. If you can’t reach the circuit breaker without going through water, call for help. But, do not walk through the water as it may conduct electricity.

  3. Evacuate When Necessary - If the problem is more severe like a pipe burst you are unable to stop, or a sewage leak, leave the home for a safe spot. Make sure your loved ones are accounted for and unharmed. Once everyone is relocated, you can begin the recovery process.

External Flooding

When it comes to flooding as a result of weather or natural disasters, it’s important to be alert to your surroundings and monitor local weather.

If you’ve had the time to put a plan together, then you are ahead of the game, but if you haven’t, here are a few things to consider for flood preparation.

  1. Assemble Disaster Supplies – Think non-perishable food, drinking water, medications, and first aid supplies. Clean clothing, toiletries battery-powered radio, flashlights, and any relevant documents you might need.

  2. Be Prepared to Evacuate – Identify safe places to go, alternative travel routes clear of flooding, and ensure your gas tank is full whenever possible.

  3. Proactively Protect Your Property – Move valuables, furniture, and hazardous materials to higher levels. Disconnect electrical appliances or systems in your home. Secure any outdoor furniture and possessions and seal lower level vents to help prevent flooding.

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